*** Application that created this media *** AGFA HealthCare Enterprise Imaging Version: 1.1535.R812SP3HF.b02.20180724 Agfa HealthCare N.V., Septestraat 27, B-2640 Mortsel, Belgium http://www.agfahealthcare.com/ *** Media Viewing Application *** IMPAX EE CD Viewer Version: R20_XVI_811_SP4_HF8 Agfa HealthCare N.V., Septestraat 27, B-2640 Mortsel, Belgium http://www.agfahealthcare.com/ Minimum System Requirements: Pentium IV, 1 GB Ram, Windows 2000 or higher *** Organization of this media *** INDEX.HTM Web viewable content CDVIEWER.EXE DICOM data viewer (Windows) RUN.SH DICOM data viewer (Linux) *** Content of this media *** DIAZ CADENAS, MARIA LUISA,, RX DE COLUMNA LUMBAR AP Y LAT DIAZ CADENAS, MARIA LUISA,, RX DE COLUMNA TORACICA/DORSAL AP Y LAT DIAZ CADENAS, MARIA LUISA,, RX DE COLUMNA CERVICAL AP Y L DIAZ CADENAS, MARIA LUISA,, RX DE HOMBRO AP